Paizo Pathfinder RPG: GMs Screen
Protect your important notes and die rolls from prying player eyes with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen! This beautiful 4-panel screen features stunning artwork from Wayne Reynolds on the player's side, and ahuge number of charts and tables on the GM side to speed up play and reduce time spent leafing through rulebooks in search of an obscure modifier or result. From skill check Difficulty Classes to two-weapon fighting modifiers, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen gives you the tools you need to keep the game fast and fun. Constructed of ultra-high-grade hardcover book stock, this durable screen is perfect for travel, convention play, or repeated regular use.Sales Pointso To date, more than 50,000 gamers around the world have participated in the Pathfinder RPG open playtest, the most aggressive and best-publicized open playtest in the history of tabletop RPGs.o Every Game Master who plays the Pathfinder RPG will want a screen with helpful charts, making the GM's Screen a perfect add-on sale to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary and the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.o Based on the popular 3.5 rules system of the world's most popular roleplaying game. Last year, more than 5 million gamers played in 3.5 campaigns.o The monthly Pathfinder AdventurePath series reaches more than 10,000 readers across the world, making it the most widely read and best-selling monthly tabletop RPG product on the market.o Extensive promotion in game industry trade publications and through online marketing initiatives targeting Paizo's 100,000+ community of gamers.o News of the Pathfinder RPG open playtest has been picked up by the Associated Press,, Ain't it Cool News, and other high-profile print and online media sources. The open playtest has been building enthusiasm for this major release for more than a year.
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